Want to Become a Qualified Mountain Bike Instructor at Revelstoke Mountain Resort in Canada?

If you love mountain biking and could see yourself improving your skills and becoming an instructor, then this internship program could be for you. A gateway into the MTB industry and a great way to see some of the best trails in the World!

See If You Qualify

Why Choose EA Mountain Bike Training?

Guaranteed Paid Job Offer

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Internationally Recognised GSMBC Certification

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World-class mountain bike instructor training

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In resort accommodation

Watch The EA Mountain Bike Training Overview Video

Check Out Revelstoke Mountain Resort, BC, Canada!

Limited Places Available For Your MTB Instructor Internship In Canada For Summer 2025!

Video Reviews

Tom & Tyler

"Riding in Revelstoke has really challenged my ability and progress my snowboarding and teaching!"

Katie & Midge

"I really enjoy working at the ski school with the other instructors and interns!"

Kiel Rafter

"I’m in the EA Ski and Snowboard training here at Lake Tahoe, California at Northstar. It’s been a blast so far, I’ve met a lot of cool people, the trainings really good and It’s totally worth it. If anybody’s interested, in my opinion, it’s great!."

Samson – EA Intern in Saas-Fee

"I’m doing the EA gap course for my level one and two ski instructor exam. We’ve done our level one exam and everyone passed which is great! I’m doing it all in this lovely resort called Saas-Fee in the Swiss Alps."

Tom Pollard

"I’m doing the Level one snowboard instructor course here at Big White. Absolutely loving it! The mountain is awesome, the instructors are even better. It’s well worth it so come on out here!"

Mackenzie Williams

"The EA program helped me get the coolest job in the world. It’s the best training available on the mountain and after a successful level one exam, I was fully prepared and fully qualified to begin instructing."

EA Ski + Snowboard Latest News

Read & learn more from our blog topics ranging from ski instructor course stories, international ski seasons, the most common ski injuries and how to avoid them and, how to get a working holiday visa for Canada to name a few.

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