Frequently Asked Questions

Check out our answers to frequently asked questions. Can't see the answer you're looking for? Get in touch with our team.

Why Choose EA Mountain Bike Training?

Why is a guaranteed Job offer important?

Operating since 2005 EA was the first company to create and arrange instructor internship programs which include a job placement immediately after the training and exam. Initially in the Ski and Snowboard Industry and now for MTB. Our partnerships with top MTB Parks means we can guarantee your MTB instructor job before you leave home. This gives you a huge advantage over anyone else trying to enter the industry.

Why should I do a Mountain Bike instructor course?

EA Mountain Bike Training has different course options depending on your goals. If you have a passion for mountain biking, want to improve and perhaps teach others one day, then a mountain bike instructor course will give you the essential tools you need to begin the process.  You will learn how to understand teaching as a skill and take your personal skills to a professional standard.

What is availability like for our programs?

Each year we sell out and must tell people they have missed out (which we do not enjoy), places are so limited because we have a set number of employment positions to fill at each of the mountain bike parks programs we work with. For an availability update, just get in touch!

What can I do after the course? Where will this lead me?

After any of our courses you will have gained skills, experience, and contacts to enable you to travel and be successful in the mountain bike industry. Once certified, you can apply directly with mountain bike parks and our team are here to assist.

Where can I find out more about EA Mountain Bike Training

You can read more about us on our website. Our Facebook page is also a good place to check out photos and posts from past clients. Many of our partner resorts also have information about our program on their websites. Please also contact us, or check out our blog page for any further information.

What are EA Mountain Bike Training's policies on inclusion and diversity?

EA Mountain Bike Training is committed to providing an equitable environment that enables all individuals to reach their potential. We recognise that an inclusive and diverse culture provides a greater variety of views and ideas that lead to better outcomes. To work towards this vision, we have the following policies:

Student Recruitment

EA Mountain Bike Training does not discriminate by race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or sexuality.

Governing Culture and support

All staff and participants should promote a culture of inclusion that values and respects individual differences and is free of harassment, victimisation and discrimination. Our staff

Global Partners

Our global partners are chosen in line with local and national regulatory and compliance obligations in relation to diversity and inclusion. We also prioritise partnerships where work practices and workplace facilities provide the flexibility needed to support an inclusive and diverse culture, and there is equal access to all employees for skills development and career path progression.

About The Programs

How good do I need to be to join?

To enter any of our Level 1 courses, you should be comfortable on technical green, blue and some black diamond trails. We have a detailed ability guide here .

Do I need my own Mountain Bike & Equipment?

Yes. If you have gear already - even if it is old, bring it with you. This saves the pressure of having to get new gear when you arrive. If you do not have gear already our on the ground representative, your trainers and shop assistants will be able to offer guidance and advice when you arrive. At most locations, our EA Mountain Bike Training on the ground representative will arrange a group gear session at a local sports shop and as a trainee instructor, you will receive a store discount too.

Can I rent a bike, or get discounts in the locations you offer?

There are discounts available for purchases of mountain bikes in our locations. To find out more, please check in with the location you are looking to secure.

Is accommodation included in the courses?

Yes, at all our mountain bike locations we have accommodation for you. On an internship program accommodation is provided during the level 1 training and exam part of the program. This is often available for you for the remainder of the season once you are working but would be an additional cost. On all the training only courses we provide accommodation for the full duration of the program.

What happens if I get injured and can’t finish the season?

Unfortunately, accidents do happen. It is important that you have comprehensive travel insurance in place to cover your medical costs and any course components you are unable to attend. Travel insurance should be bought through our nominated agent unless the cover through that agent is not adequate for your personal requirements. Check out our insurance options here.

What support does EA provide prior to and during the program?

Your training consultant will be your main point of contact prior to the start of your program. You will receive a candidate checklist detailing all the steps that need to be actioned prior to arriving into resort. Once you arrive at your destination country you will meet your EA Mountain Bike Training on ground representative who will take over as your main point of contact and mentor for the duration of the program.  

Our on ground representatives are typically in resort trainers and/or examiners with a wealth of knowledge and experience, something that will really benefit you throughout the summer season. We also have other means of support available to you pre, post and during your program. EA Mountain Bike Training will also set up a specific online group page to enable you to meet and chat with others on the same program. Head office will check-in with you throughout the season with general updates and competition news. We find this is a great opportunity to provide us with some feedback on your experience.

Will I be guaranteed a job through the EA instructor internship program?

The Instructor Internship guarantees a conditional job offer. EA Mountain Bike Training works with top resorts around the world to secure employment positions for a limited number of newly qualified instructors. We pre-screen all participants prior to offering a position on the program. EA Mountain Bike Training and the resorts limit the number of participants going to a particular resort, so everyone booked on to our program has a job position waiting for them. There are conditions associated with the job offers which include passing the level 1 exam, abiding by the applicable terms of employment (just like all other staff) and showing the required professional attitude and application during the training period. With some resorts there are also specific conditions such as requiring a first aid certification, which we will discuss with you if applicable for your resort. This means the job is there waiting for you, so long as you put in the effort required on your side also.

Application Process

Can you tell me more about the pre-screening or program acceptance process for an internship?

Our team will go through a phone call with you to ensure the program is right for you. Topics include mountain bike ability, relevant teaching experience and/or experience working with children, previous employment, your availability and goals. Once you arrive on course our training program will give you the tools required to succeed. This will include progressions required to teach.

Visa & Travel Arrangements

Will I require a travel or work visa?

Our training consultants will advise you on any visa requirements. Generally speaking, those on a Training Program will be able to enter their destination country on a Visa Waiver. However, for those on an Internship Program a work visa, or Citizenship is generally required. If you require a work visa it is important that you get this underway, processed and confirmed as soon as possible. We will provide you with visa application instructions as outlined by the issuing consulate, embassy, or agencies.

What happens when I first arrive at my destination country?

One of our EA Mountain Bike Training on ground representatives will meet you at the airport on arrival. If you have included an arrival orientation (these are recommended) then these typically include:

  • Airport welcome and hotel transfer
  • Accommodation including breakfast
  • An evening meal at a local restaurant with other program participants
  • City sightseeing
  • A day to organize any required tax ID numbers, bank accounts, mobile phones (if required)
  • Ground transfer to your training resort

If you are not taking part in the arrival orientation, we will ensure you have contact with the EA on ground representative to ensure you get the right travel plans sorted to meet the rest of the group in Resort. Contact us for more information on this.

Payments & Prices

How do I know that my payments to EA will be financially secure?

Educating Adventures holds an ATOL license issued by the CAA in the UK. You can see this is in place and current by visiting the CAA website and putting in our ATOL number, 9231. As part of holding an ATOL we are required to annually reapply to the CAA for a license renewal which involves financial checks and an audit.

How much money should I take with me?

If you are joining an Internship Program then to apply for a Working Holiday Visa applicants are typically required to have proof of funds e.g., CAN$2,500, AUD$2,500, GBP£1,500, NZ$2,500. Whether you are a citizen or on a working holiday visa, we suggest that this amount is set aside and available for use where there is a lack of work or unforeseen circumstances. Also, bear in mind that you will not earn money for the first month. If you are on a Training Program that doesn't include work, then we recommend that you take enough money to cover your food and extra entertainment. The price of food will be similar to home but bear in mind that eating at a resort is more expensive than at the supermarket.

Can I pay for the course in installments?

Our payment schedule typically requires a deposit payment (normally $2000 USD/NZD) to secure your place, followed by a second deposit and a final payment. Your training consultant will discuss amounts, options, and timing with you. All payments must be received prior to the commencement of the program.

Where can I get a detailed list of program inclusions and exclusions?

On our website you will be able to see program inclusions via the resort location pages. Because we have participants coming from all over the world flights and travel insurance are not included in our program prices, but both are required.

Working As An Instructor & Instructor Exams

What are pass rates like for the instructor exam and what happens if I don't pass the exam on the first attempt?

Historically we have had pass rates of 98% in the level 1 exams. As long as you study hard and have the right attitude you should have no trouble with this part of the course. If for some reason you didn't pass the exam first time around, you‟ll be able to re-sit at the next available exam (you would need to pay for this yourself). If you are on an Internship Program you may be offered the opportunity to work in a non-instructing role until you pass.

How much can I expect to earn on an EA Mountain Bike Training instructor internship program?

In the past those who are motivated have always been able to make enough money to support their living costs (e.g., food and rent) while on an internship program. However, the focus as a first year MTB coach is on gaining experience.  

Participants have often supplemented their Income with additional roles and/or jobs. There will always be busier periods in the summer and work and income is always subject to client demand and other factors such as weather.

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